Thirtieth Anniversary of the Humanist Movement
Punta de Vacas, May 4, 1999

On May 4th, 1999, The Humanist Movement celebrated it's Thirteenth Anniversary.
Language | Title | Size | Format | Duration | Resolution |
Catalan | Paraules de Silo amb motiu de l'acte recordatori del trentè aniversari | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
Dutch | Woorden van Silo, Punta de Vacas, 4 mei 1999 | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
English | Thirtiest Anniversary of the Humanist Movement | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
French | 30ème anniversaire du Mouvement Humaniste | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
German | Dreissigster Jahrestag der Humanistischen Bewegung | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
Italian | Parole di Silo in occasione della commemorazione del trentesimo anniversario | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
Portuguese | Palavras de Silo | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
Spanish | Trigésimo aniversario del Movimiento Humanista | 271 MB | video/mp4 | 00:17:45 | 720x480 |
Language | Title | Size | Format | Duration |
Spanish | Punta de Vacas, 4 de mayo del 1999 | 1.99 MB | audio/mp3 | 00:17:21 |
Spanish | Extracto de Punta de Vacas, 4 de mayo del 1999 | 1.77 MB | audio/mp3 | 00:07:43 |
These proposals—considering the human being as the central value, affirming equality of opportunities for all, recognizing diversity and opposing all discrimination, promoting freedom of thought, and struggling against violence in all its forms—characterize our thought and our action in their most general aspects.
We must reaffirm in this field that all human beings have the right to ask themselves about the meaning of life, about love, about friendship... about all those things that make up the poetry and the greatness of human existence, and which that stupid and small materialist culture attempts to denigrate, dragging everything toward antivalues and disintegration.