Day of Testimony-Inauguration of Los Manantiales Park
Los Manantiales, Santiago, Chile, May 6, 2006

The Los Manantiales Park (near Santiago, Chile) was inaugurated on May 6th, 2006. The occasion is also remembered as the Day of Testimony.
Language | Title | Size | Format | Duration | Resolution |
English | Discurso de Silo Subtitled | 117 MB | video/mpeg | 00:11:43 | 352x240 |
German | Einweihung Park Manantiales | 114 MB | video/mp4 | 00:11:44 | 620x494 |
Portuguese | Palavras de Silo | 246 MB | video/x-msvideo | 00:11:44 | 620x494 |
Spanish | Clip del Evento | 3.75 MB | video/x-msvideo | 00:01:03 | 320x240 |
Spanish | Clip del Evento | 962 KB | video/x-msvideo | 00:01:03 | 320x240 |
Spanish | Clip del Evento | 10.6 MB | video/mpeg | 00:01:03 | 352x240 |
Spanish | Discurso de Silo | 9.09 MB | video/x-msvideo | 00:11:43 | 320x240 |
Spanish | Discurso de Silo | 119 MB | video/mpeg | 00:11:43 | 352x240 |
Spanish | Discurso de Silo | 48 MB | video/x-msvideo | 00:11:43 | 640x480 |
Spanish | Explicaciones | 17.3 MB | video/x-msvideo | 00:04:03 | 640x480 |
Spanish | Explicaciones | 3.58 MB | video/mpeg | 00:04:03 | 320x240 |
Spanish | Explicaciones | 41.2 MB | video/mpeg | 00:04:03 | 352x240 |
Spanish | Inauguración Parque Manantiales | 109 MB | video/mpeg | 00:10:43 | 352x240 |
Spanish | Inauguración Parque Manantiales | 41.5 MB | video/x-msvideo | 00:10:43 | 640x480 |
Spanish | Inauguración Parque Manantiales | 6.27 MB | video/x-msvideo | 00:10:42 | 320x240 |
Language | Title | Size | Format | Duration |
Spanish | Discurso de Silo | 2.82 MB | video/x-ms-wma | 00:12:02 |
Language | Title | Size | Last Update | Format |
Spanish | Palabras de Silo: Inauguración del Parque Los Manantiales | 21.5 KB | January 08 2012 22:51 | application/msword |
Russian | Слова Сило – Открытие Зала Послания в Манантиалесе | 17.1 KB | January 08 2012 22:52 | text/rtf |
Finnish | Silon sanat Los Manantialesin puiston vihkimistilaisuudessa | 6.48 KB | January 08 2012 22:53 | text/rtf |
Italian | Parole di Silo all'Inaugurazioni Parqui Los Manantiales | 23 KB | January 08 2012 22:54 | application/msword |
Portuguese (Brazil) | Palavras de Silo | 47.4 KB | May 15 2014 14:47 | text/rtf |
Dutch | Woorden van Silo: Inwijding van de Chileense Zaal in Los Manantiales | 23.5 KB | January 08 2012 22:56 | application/msword |
German | Ansprache von Silo: Einweihung des chilenischen Saal in Las Manantiales | 12.9 KB | January 08 2012 22:57 | text/rtf |
French | Paroles de Silo: Inauguration du Parc Los Manantiales | 23 KB | January 08 2012 22:58 | application/msword |
English | Silo's words at the Inauguration of the Los Manantiales Park | 26.5 KB | January 08 2012 22:59 | application/msword |
Hungarian | Kedves Barátok | 26.5 KB | January 08 2012 23:01 | application/msword |
Catalan | Paraules de Silo amb motiu de la inauguració | 556 KB | May 02 2020 15:27 | application/pdf |
Greek | Λόγια του Σίλο στα εγκαίνια του Πάρκου Λος Μαναντιάλες | 56.7 KB | June 30 2021 22:50 | application/pdf |